Curbside Chipping & Leaf Collection
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Curbside Collection
Curbside chipping and leaf collection services do not require an appointment or additional fees. Residents who choose to participate should have their yard waste prepared as instructed below and curbside by 7:00 a.m. on collection day. If a collection day falls on a holiday, crews will operate the following day.
If weather is uncooperative or time does not permit route completion, crews will resume the next available day. Likewise, when snow is in the forecast, use your best judgement when placing items out for collection. Crews will not remove covered or buried waste.
**For our employee’s safety, curbside services cannot be conducted on Gravel Hill Road, Route 422, or South Forge Road from Park Drive south to the Township Line. We are unable to collect on any streets that have not been dedicated to the Township.
Tree Trimmings & Christmas Trees
First Monday of every month for 2025:
- January 6
- January 20
- February 3
- March 3
- April 7
- May 5
- June 2
- July 7
- August 4
- September 2
- October 6
*No collection in November or December
Crews will collect branches from one (1) to three (3) inches in diameter, of any length, as well as small shrubs. As long as the thickest part of a branch falls within diameter limitations, there is no need to trim further. Do not commingle branches with any other yard waste or debris, and remove any root balls. Items will be tagged and left behind if they do not fall within the realms of our policy. For alternate disposal options, see the Compost Facility page.
We established this program to provide chipping for residents who perform routine maintenance on their property. Therefore, crews will not accept excessive trimmings or branches from tree take downs. In such a case, the resident is responsible to find alternate means of disposal.
Do not put branches in the street! Instead, place them along the front curb line with the cut ends angled in the direction of traffic. Do not tie or contain these items in any way. Please keep piles far enough from parked cars, intersections, and other roadway obstructions for crews to access the trimmings with ease.
Christmas trees will be collected on any collection day. Trees must be free of any wires, ornaments and other attachments to be collected.
Residents should place leaves in the street, along the curb-line in long narrow piles between three (3) to four (4) feet wide. If you do not have a curb, keep them on the property but as close to the roadway as possible without interfering with traffic. Please leave space for any rainwater to flow to catch basins and remove any leaves that have migrated to prevent clogging or reduce the potential for localized flooding. Leave at least 15 feet from parked cars, intersections, and basketball nets to allow equipment space to operate.
Remove all sticks, pine cones, nuts, etc. from your leaves as these items can damage the equipment. Tarps should be removed by 7:00 a.m. on the morning of your collection day.
Find your location within the map below.
Orange, Monday – Residents north of Route 422 & south of Route 422, east of South Forge Road
Tan, Wednesday – Residents south of Route 422, between South Forge Road & Campbelltown Road
Green, Friday – Residents south of Route 422, west of Campbelltown Road