Police Frequently Asked Questions

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Do I Need A Soliciting Permit And How Do I Obtain One?

Every person desiring to engage in any transient retail business, soliciting or peddling in North Londonderry Township shall first file an application with the North Londonderry Township Police Department. Applications are accepted Monday through Friday during normal business hours. Applicants must be present with a valid Photo I.D. Application fees will be collected upon approval; $25.00 per day or $50.00 per year. There will be no pro-ration for applications. If you have an established business presence within North Londonderry Township, you are exempt from obtaining a permit.

What Are The Laws Concerning A Barking Dog?

Township Ordinance states: No person shall allow any dog confined on that person’s premises to make any loud or harsh noise or disturbance which will interfere with or deprive the peace, quite, rest or sleep of any person within the neighborhood.

Does North Londonderry Township Have A Leash Law?

Township Ordinance states: It shall be the duty of the owner, custodian or keeper of any dog, while traveling on the streets, alleys, or public grounds in the Township of North Londonderry, to have the dog on a leash at all times and to prevent the dog from entering upon the property of any person or persons in the Township of North Londonderry without the property owner’s consent.
For more information about Dogs see Chapter 70 of the Township Code.

Does The Police Department Loan Animal Traps And How Do I Obtain One?

The North Londonderry Township Police Department does not have animal traps to loan. Residents should contact the Humane Society of Lebanon County at (717) 274-3435.

I’ve Caught A Cat And/Or Dog On My Property, Now What?

The North Londonderry Township Police Department will not transport a cat or dog in a patrol car.
If you find a cat on your property, please contact the Lebanon County Humane Society. The Police Department does not currently have a location to take cats.
If you found a dog you can contact the Police Department and an Officer will meet you at a designated location, provided you are willing to transport the dog. If not, contact the Lebanon County Humane Society directly and they will retrieve the dog for a fee.

How Do I Find Out If There Are Any Megan’s Law Offenders Living In My Neighborhood?

Check the following websites to locate offenders in your area:
Megans Law of PA
Family Watchdog

What Does The Police Department Do To Monitor Megan’s Law Offenders?

Our Criminal Investigations Unit monitors the current offenders by providing patrol officers with names, addresses and photographs of offenders working and residing in our community. The list of Offenders is updated through notices received by the Megan’s Law Section of the PA State Police. The PA State Police is the State repository for the Megan’s Law Offenders.

How Do I Obtain A Protection From Abuse (PFA) Order?

Protection From Abuse orders are civil orders granted by the courts. You may seek assistance in obtaining a PFA order by contacting one of the following agencies:
Lebanon County Victim/Witness Assistance Program – (717) 228-4412
Lebanon County PFA Office – (717) 228-4441

My Protection From Abuse Order Has Been Violated. Who Do I Notify?

Violations of Protection From Abuse orders should be reported through the communication center at (717) 272-2054. If you are facing imminent threat of personal injury as the result of the PFA violation you should immediately call 911.

My Child Custody Agreement Is Not Being Obeyed. Who Do I Notify?

Child custody orders are issues of the civil courts. The Police Department will not enforce such orders without a direct mandate from the Court or a child is in imminent danger. You should report custody order violations to your attorney to seek relief from the Court.

Crime Statistics

Our crime reports are summarized and uploaded under the Police page of this website. Our UCR Part 1 and Part 2 crime statistics are reported to the Pennsylvania State Police and FBI as required and are available through the Pennsylvania Uniform Crime Reporting System.

How Do You Fingerprint For Criminal Charges?

All fingerprinting and processing for criminal charges is done at Lebanon County Central Booking. Contac them at (717) 228-4413.

I Believe Or Have Been Notified That I Have A Warrant For My Arrest. What Should I Do?

First, contact the Police Department at (717) 838-5276. If the warrant is for a summary violation, such as a traffic ticket, disorderly conduct, public drunkenness, etc. visit the Magistrates Office at 325 South Railroad Street, Palmyra PA 17078 during regular business hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to take care of the warrant. Please note, if the charge is for bad checks, a personal check will not be accepted as payment for this warrant. If the warrant is for misdemeanor or felony charges, arrangements will need to be made when you call the Police Department to see the Magisterial District Judge.

Who Is Entitled To A Copy Of An Accident Report?

Any persons involved in the accident e.g. driver, passenger, pedestrian, bicyclist. Owner of the vehicle, owners of damaged property, attorneys and/or insurance companies representing anyone involved in an accident may also obtain a copy of the accident report.

How Do I Obtain An Accident Report?

Contact the North Londonderry Township Police Department at (717) 838-5276. A $15 administrative fee in cash, check or money order is required.

What Is The Process To Be Fingerprinted For Employment?

We recommend calling prior to your arrival to ensure the proper personnel are available for processing. Bring a photo ID or other legal form of identification and any fingerprint cards or other documentation provided by your employer/licensing board with you. You do not need to be a North Londonderry Township resident for this service. Report to the North Londonderry Township Police station between the hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. for processing.

Fees must be paid in cash, check or money order:
Township Resident (up to 2 Cards) – $20.00
Non-Resident (up to 2 Cards) – $25.00
Additional Cards – $5.00 each

How Do I Arrange For A Child Safety Seat Installation And/Or Inspection?

The North Londonderry Township Police Department currently does not have certified officers to install and inspect child safety seats. Click the link for a list of nearby inspection stations.

I Will Be Going On Vacation. Can I Have My Residence Checked While I’m Away?

We do provide residential house checks for North Londonderry Township residents who are away from home. The security checks are contingent on call volume and manpower limitations. We make no promises how often your home will be inspected. However, as a general practice our patrol officers attempt to inspect each home at least once every 24 hours.

Will Someone From The Department Come To Speak At My Event?

Please allow as much notice as possible to schedule an officer for your event. Please be advised, while we attempt to honor any reasonable requests for speakers and demonstrations, this is dependant upon proper coverage of the department. Call the station to speak with Chief Snyder to make your request.

May My Group Take A Tour Of The Police Station?

Please allow as much notice as possible to schedule a tour of the police station. We attempt to honor any reasonable requests for tours from scout troops, school groups or other civic organizations. If you are able to provide multiple dates or times for the request it is easier to accommodate. Call to speak with Chief Snyder to schedule your request.

How Do I Apply For A Handicapped Parking Placard?

The rules for Disability Parking Placards and Plates are dictated by The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. You can find the appropriate information by visiting PennDOT – Persons with Disability Parking Placards.

Where Do I Go To Pay A Traffic Ticket?

The North Londonderry Township Police Department does not accept payments for issued traffic and/or non-traffic citations. All citations are issued through:

Magisterial District Judge
The Honorable Carl Garver
325 South Railroad Street, Palmyra PA 17078

You may make payments by credit card through the website.

What Do I Do If My Identity Was Stolen?

The Federal Trade Commission estimates that over 10 million Americans have their identity stolen and fraudulently used each year. If your identity has been compromised, take the following steps:

Immediately contact any business where an account has been opened and terminate it. Be sure to obtain any case reference numbers provided so that you can provide them to law enforcement investigators. Cancel any credit cards used to make unauthorized purchases. Contact the retail businesses where purchases were made and initiate a fraud investigation with the security department. Again, be sure to note any case reference numbers or the name of the person you spoke with.
Call each of the credit reporting bureaus and have a fraud alert placed on your account.

Equifax – (800) 525-6285 – www.equifax.com
Experian – (888) 397-3742 – www.experian.com
Transunion – (800) 680-7289 – www.transunion.com
File a police report. Contact the North Londonderry Township Police Department at (717) 838-5276.

Report the incident to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC has been charged by the Federal Government to document and track cases of identity theft in America. Download and review the FTC publication “Taking Charge – What to do if your identity is stolen” from their website.

Victim Services

We provide Victim and Witness advocacy services through the Lebanon County Victim Witness Assistance Program:
Victim / Witness Assistance Program
Lebanon County Courthouse
400 South 8th Street
Lebanon, Pennsylvania 17042

When Will My Road Be Plowed?

The Department of Public Works has an established policy that dictates snow removal from Township streets and roadways. For more information, visit our Winter Maintenance page. We encourage you to report roadway concerns of immediate danger such as areas of black ice.

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